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Wishing you success in your future endeavors!


The ETH professorship for resource economics is on the brink of a new era with upcoming changes in leadership.

CEPE-Farewell Party
CEPE-Farewell Party  

Impressions of the EAERE-ETH European Winter Schools

2021/2022 Winter School
Participants of the postponed 2021/2022 Winter School on Natural Resources and Development in Resource-​rich Countries, January 2023
2023 Winter School
Participants of the 2023 Winter School on Climate Policies, Innovation, and International Competitiveness, February 2023

Review and Impressions of the SURED Conference

The attached video provides some exciting and funny insights and anecdotes from researchers who have participated in the SURED Conference since its inception in 2004 by Lucas Bretschger and Sjak Smulders. Moreover, the video underlines the high scientific importance the conference has built up over the years within the community of environmental and resource economists. It is to be hoped that the conference will be continued in the coming years.

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SURED Conference

Future of Resource Economics

Current positions of former RESEC staff members.

external page Interview with Lucas Bretschger about research, politics, and the future.

News -2023

Zukunftsrat gegen die Klimakrise

With a external page Future Council against the Climate Crisis - Why Switzerland Needs a Third Chamber of Parliament

Interdisciplinary event with Lucas Bretschger and Colleagues in Schweizerisches Landesmuseum Zurich, 30.8.2023 | 19:00 – 21:00


Lucas Bretschger awarded the "Golden Owl" 2021

The Golden Owl honours lecturers who have provided exceptional teaching and motivates them to continue with their excellent teaching. The Owl is awarded by the VSETH, ETH Zurich’s students association, who are also the initiators of the award. All ETH members with a teaching assignment can be nominated for the Golden Owl. One lecturer per department is selected for this honour.

Lucas Bretschger nominated for the 2021 Art of Leadership Award (ALEA)

The RESEC team has nominated Lucas Bretschger for the 2021 external page Art of Leadership Award (ALEA), which honours inspiring leaders contributing to the respectful and supportive work culture of ETH Zurich.


Lucas Bretschger gives a short interview about research, teaching and career opportunites at MTEC and RESEC. Watch video interview on our news page

Workshops and Conferences

More information will follow


Rohini Pande, Harvard University: Keynote Lecture EAERE 2016

Conferences, workshops and short courses organised by the Chair

In the time period 2003-2023, we founded and regularly organised conferences and workshops, such as the SURED conference and the EAERE-ETH European Winter School, as well as lectures held by invited speakers.

Recent Publications (-31.1.2024)

Bretschger, Lucas and Ara Jo (2024): Complementarity between labor and energy: A firm-​level analysis, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, forthcoming

Brausmann, Alexandra and Lucas Bretschger (2024): Escaping Damocles’ Sword: Endogenous Climate Shocks in a Growing Economy, Environmental and Resource Economics.

Bretschger, Lucas (2024): external page Energy Transition and Climate Change Abatement: A Macroeconomic Analysis, Resource and Energy Economics.

Bretschger, Lucas and Simone Valente (2023): external page Effective Policy Design for a Sustainable Economy, European Economic Review.

Borissov, Kirill and Lucas Bretschger (2022): external page Optimal Carbon Policies in a Dynamic Heterogenous World, European Economic Review.

Borissov, Kirill, Lucas Bretschger, Aleksey Minabutdinov (2022): external page The capital tax paradox in a greening economy, International Economics and Economic Policy.

Bingler, J. A., Kraus, M., Leippold, M. & Webersinke, N. (2022): external page Cheap talk and cherry-picking: What climatebert has to say on corporate climate risk disclosures. Finance Research Letters.

Bingler and Colesanti Senni (2022): Taming the Green Swan: external page a criteria-based analysis to improve the understanding of climate-related financial risk assessment tools. Climate Policy.

Bretschger, Lucas and Susanne Soretz (2021): external page Stranded Assets: How Policy Uncertainty affects Capital, Growth, and the Environment, Environmental and Resource Economics.

Ilić, Dragan and Mollet, Janick Christian (2021): external page Voluntary corporate climate initiatives and regulatory threat, International Economics and Economic Policy.

Bretschger, Lucas (2021): external page Getting the Costs of Environmental Protection Right: Why Climate Policy is Inexpensive in the End, Ecological Economics.

Jo, Ara (2021): external page Culture and Compliance: Evidence from the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, Journal of Law and Economics.  

Bretschger, Lucas (2020): external page Malthus in the Light of Climate Change, European Economic Review, 127, 103477.

Bretschger, Lucas and Karen Pittel (2020): external page Twenty Key Challenges in Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics.

Bretschger, Lucas, Elise Grieg, Paul Welfens, Tian Xiong (2020): external page COVID-​19 Infections and Fatalities Developments: Empirical Evidence for OECD Countries and Newly Industrialized Economies, International Economics and Economic Policy.


Here is a full list of publications of RESEC -31.1.2024


Information will follow

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